Monday, August 21, 2017

Guts and Neck Tattoos

Day 9
Written by Cal

Today was the final day of missioning for most of us. This mission trip has been unbelievable. So many amazing stories and even more amazing people.

The people here are are so much more than just friends. They're family. I remember talking to Jeff Sponsler a long time ago and he told me that you build relationships the quickest by serving together.

We have found what the Bogotá church (Iglesia Tiempo De Dios) is made of. It's been stated previously but I would like to remind you all some important stories from this week. Earlier this weekend we went into the park and were prepared to do a skit, dance, and talk to people in the park. This plan seemingly failed when the weather did not cooperate. As we sat in freezing rain, I have to admit I was beginning to doubt the success of this outreach. They did not quit and brought the speakers into the mall where everyone was gathering to avoid the rain. It was here that I thought the security guard was going to stop us. That's before I realized he was praying along with Pablo. The next day, we were all set for a simple hour long worship service when the power went out. The congregation began to sing even louder with the worship team of Bogotá. I was truly touched during this time of worship.

This church has guts. Every time it began to look like it was time to retreat they advanced. The work is hard and in Colombia, with the limited resources, it's even harder. However, when it gets tough they get tougher. I've been praying, not prophetically or anything just hopeful, that the work for them would begin to be just a little easier. This family deserves some breaks and perhaps in God's goodness he will gift them some lucky breaks.

Today was an easier today. 

It was still filled with work but it seemed easier. This feeling was confirmed with the others on the MN team too. This morning before we even left the church a man came and was asking for prayer. He heard us (but mostly Josh) singing and worshipping last night. He was not even a part of the church or the church service yet here he was because he heard us. He said he knew the Holy Spirit was in that sound and he was convicted to return to Jesus. 

We were loud, I guess. I don't actually know - I can't hear anything but this ringing noise since then.

Then we went to the park. Which is probably best described as Church Field Day. Quick highlight, Edison (from Bogotá) made a kite from a trash bag and toothpicks and got his kite a mile into the air - I am not even exaggerating, it was the highest kite I have ever seen. During Church Field Day there was several stations set up and teams went station by station to collect points. Josh Mitchell was the leader at the Soccer Station and I feel like that's an important detail. Sergio (from Bogotá) led me to invite people from the park to play church games with us. We are now in a Central Park of Bogotá, Colombia inviting strangers to come and play soccer and kite making. I have to say, for the most part, I think Colombia's hard reputation is over hyped, but that doesn't mean that there's some definite truth there. 

Bogotá is a hard place to live. 

Sergio and I went and talked to three of the hardest looking guys in the whole park and invited them to join us. Let me tell you, these three young men loved Church Field Day. After watching a man with neck tattoos giggle as he tried to catch a water balloon (Bomba de Agua) I realized that everyone really needs community and family no matter the person. By the end of CFD the three men were hugging the church moms and cheering as their trash bag kite flew higher than anyone else's.

I don't think there's a better example of the kind of community this church has cultivated. Fearless, unrelenting, serving.

The question that rose in my mind, and perhaps in yours, is "how do we bring this home?"  Maybe that's another blog but I know I feel convicted because I don't know if I'd ever choose to go to Church Field Day. It was their day off, a national holiday like Labor Day and the entire Bogotá church was there today... would we all be there?

As we ate lunch and said our goodbyes I couldn't help but notice how many stayed late just to remain with us as we waited for our late bus. This church truly loves us. They've already invited us back again next year. I love them too. So many laughs and a few tears were shared together in these three days. Serving together builds relationships. 

Gracias, Espiritu Santo.

Tomorrow Hannah, Caleb, Kajsa, and I head back to Minnesota but Mark, Pablo, and Josh continue to another church. Please continue to pray for them as they continue traveling, meeting people, and strengthening our Kingdom relationships. And pray for us for safe travels home.

Until next year Colombia, probably.

Sergio and Edison (with Josh)

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