Sunday, August 13, 2017

Vanilla Bean and Chocolate Sauce

Day 1 August 13 2017 
Written by Cal

Today we started the journey in the same fashion that we usually do. It is becoming quite routine nowadays. This is our sixth time returning to Colombia (seventh to South America) as a full team since 2011. All of the team members have been to Colombia before. We slowly trickle into the MSP TERMINAL 1. Josh, Mark, Kajsa, Pablo, Hannah, Caleb, and I make up the completed team this year. 

You have to already know that with three full time ministers, two elders, two deacons, a worship team, and two interns that there is no down time for us. By the time I got through the checkpoint (having been stopped to have my starbursts double checked for any funny business) we were already in ministry mode. Talks of apologetics, podcasts, and ministries were already blooming. We are veterens. There's no need to stop and wait for the Holy Spirit to guide us - He's been guiding us the whole time. We are completely aware of His presence with us. 

We now await the much longer flight to Bogota, Colombia from the monstrous ATL airport. Nerves are calm, but we are nervous as to where we sit on the plane. For such long flights aisle seats are hot commodities. Luckily Pablo is in a good mood because of his vanilla bean gelato and chocolate sauce. As Pablo would jokingly say, "We are suffering for the Lord." 

It does not matter what tangents we find ourselves on we always find our way back to the heart of the mission. Whether we are practicing Spanish or telling stories of mission trips before we are building up excitement for seeing our brothers and sisters whom we love so very much. Mark's announcement that Pastora Lilliana will be meeting us in the morning for our bus ride through the mountains from Bogota to Ibague was met with cheers. We are so excited to see them. It's hard to not cry knowing that Jesus has givin us forever friends from around the world. Knowing that my dear friend Cristian is merely a day away brings so much joy and hope into my heart. 

See you soon my Colombian Family. 


1 comment:

  1. What a dynamic team we are sending out! Praying for each one of you that you God give you strength and courage to share your testimonies and faith!
